Im Gespräch mit Journalist und Moderator Philipp Böckmann verrate ich die Geheimnisse meiner Arbeit und spreche über die Themen, die mir am Herzen liegen. Dabei liefere ich spannende Einblicke in die Chefetagen deutscher Unternehmen, schonungslose Analysen aus dem Blickwinkel eines Insiders und wertvolle Tipps für die Suche nach Talenten sowie dem persönlichen Traumjob. Für Fragen, Wünsche, Anregungen und Kritik senden Sie einfach eine Email an podcast@headhunter-secrets.com.

I founded the CEO 2028 Mentoring in order to directly accompany and support today's decision-makers, as well as, outstanding high potential candidates on their personal path in order to shape the world of tomorrow successfully and sustainably.
Learn more about the CEO 2028 Mentoring and the requirements for admission:
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My main focus as an executive search expert is identifying, approaching and persuading the best talent to work for my clients. Additionally, I also consult companies, regarding their own recruiting for technical and business experts. For that, I developed a unique system in order to empower companies to improve their own recruitment strategies. The combination of my signature executive search services and my proprietary system solves every possible problem in closing my clients' leadership and expert positions. This creates the highest value in the marketplace
I support my clients internationally through locations in both Germany and the USA. READ MORE