Executive Search Germany USA I Headhunter Secrets Podcast
"The ideal manager is a man who knows exactly what he can't do and gets the right people for it."
- Philip Rosenthal -

Even in the current age of digitalization, a company's success is determined by the skills, quality and performance of their employees. Talent can make or break a company. It can either be a decisive competitive advantage or sustainably hurt an organization.

For me, being a headhunter means that finding the best executives in the German and American market and securing them for my international clients is my number one priority.



"The art of living is to bring your own nature into harmony with your work."
- Luis Ponce de Léon -

I founded the CEO 2028 Mentoring in order to directly accompany and support today's decision-makers, as well as outstanding high potential candidates on their personal path in order to shape the world of tomorrow successfully and sustainably.

Learn more about the CEO 2028 Mentoring and the requirements for admission.



"We make money in a very old-fashioned way: we earn it."
- Hans J. Lange -

My main focus as an executive search expert is identifying, approaching and persuading the best talent to work for my clients. Additionally, I also consult companies, regarding their own recruiting for technical and business experts. For that, I developed a unique system in order to empower companies to improve their own recruitment strategies. The combination of my signature executive search services and my proprietary system solves every possible problem in closing my clients' leadership and expert positions. This creates the highest value in the marketplace.

I support my clients internationally through locations in both Germany and the USA.


"We make money in a very old-fashioned way: we earn it."
- Hans J. Lange -

My main focus as an executive search expert is identifying, approaching and persuading the best talent to work for my clients. Additionally, I also consult companies, regarding their own recruiting for technical and business experts. For that, I developed a unique system in order to empower companies to improve their own recruitment strategies. The combination of my signature executive search services and my proprietary system solves every possible problem in closing my clients' leadership and expert positions. This creates the highest value in the marketplace.

I support my clients internationally through locations in both Germany and the USA.


""Dieses Buch ist Pflichtlektüre für Unternehmer, Geschäftsführer, Führungskräfte und Personalverantwortliche - genauso wie für alle, die endlich die Wahrheit über die Suche nach den besten Mitarbeitern erfahren möchten."

In meinem Buch plaudere ich aus dem Nähkästchen und berichte über interessante Erfahrungen, erstaunliche Beobachtungen und schonungslose Analysen aus über 13 Jahren Tätigkeit als Headhunter. Mit diesem Buch erhalten Sie einen echten Blick hinter die Kulissen. Noch nie gab es so tiefe Einblicke in die Jagd nach den besten Führungskräften und Experten - und Sie erfahren viele Geheimnisse, die Ihnen bislang noch niemand verraten hat.